How the Power of Storytelling Can Expand Your Dental Practice

In the bustling world of dental marketing, standing out can seem like an uphill battle. But what if the secret to capturing your audience’s attention and building a loyal patient base lies in something as timeless as storytelling? For dental professionals, harnessing the power of storytelling can elevate your practice’s marketing efforts in a way that resonates deeply with potential patients.

The Magic of Storytelling in Dentistry

Why Stories Matter

Stories have been a fundamental part of human culture for millennia. They have the power to engage, inspire, and connect people on an emotional level. For dental practices, this means going beyond generic advertisements and creating narratives that reflect the values and experiences of your patients.

Building Trust through Narratives

Trust is crucial in the dental industry. Patients need to feel comfortable and confident in their choice of dentist. By sharing stories about your practice’s history, patient success stories, or even the team’s dedication to community service, you create a sense of reliability and warmth. These narratives humanize your practice and establish a rapport before a patient even steps through your door.

Making Your Brand Relatable

Every practice has its unique personality and strengths. Storytelling helps highlight these aspects in a relatable way. Whether it’s a story about a patient overcoming dental anxiety or a behind-the-scenes look at a day in the life of your dental team, these stories make your practice more approachable and memorable.

Crafting Compelling Dental Stories

Identifying Your Core Message

Before you start crafting stories, it’s essential to identify the core message you want to convey. Is it your commitment to patient care? Your state-of-the-art technology? Or perhaps your family-friendly atmosphere? Having a clear message helps keep your stories focused and impactful.

Showcasing Patient Journeys

Patient testimonials are powerful marketing tools. Transform these testimonials into compelling stories that detail a patient’s entire journey—from their initial consultation to the successful outcome. Highlight the challenges they faced, the solutions your practice provided, and the positive impact on their lives.

Behind-the-Scenes Glimpses

Giving potential patients a peek behind the curtain can be incredibly engaging. Share stories of your staff’s dedication, the daily routines in your practice, or the meticulous process of maintaining hygiene standards. These behind-the-scenes stories can demystify the dental experience and build a connection with your audience.

Benefits of Storytelling for Dental Practices

Enhanced Patient Engagement

A well-told story captivates and holds the audience’s attention. Potential patients who are emotionally engaged are more likely to remember your practice and choose it over others. This can lead to increased patient inquiries and appointments.

Improved Online Presence

Incorporating storytelling into your website and social media content can significantly boost your online presence. Engaging stories encourage shares, likes, and comments, expanding your reach and visibility. This organic engagement is invaluable for building a strong online reputation.

Differentiation from Competitors

In a competitive market, differentiation is key. Storytelling allows you to showcase what makes your practice unique. By highlighting your values, patient experiences, and team culture, you set yourself apart from the competition and create a memorable brand identity.

Practical Tips for Effective Storytelling

Authenticity is Key

Authentic stories resonate the most. Ensure that the stories you share are genuine and reflect your practice’s true values and experiences. Authenticity builds trust and credibility with your audience.

Use Visuals to Enhance Stories

Visual elements like photos and videos can significantly enhance your storytelling efforts. Showcasing before-and-after photos, video testimonials, or short clips of your team in action can make your stories more vivid and engaging.

Keep It Patient-Centric

Always keep your patients at the heart of your stories. Focus on their needs, experiences, and outcomes. Patient-centric stories create an emotional connection and demonstrate your practice’s commitment to patient care.

Incorporating storytelling into your dental practice’s marketing strategy can significantly enhance patient engagement, build trust, and differentiate your practice from competitors. By sharing authentic, patient-centric stories, you create an emotional connection that resonates with potential patients and encourages them to choose your practice for their dental care needs.

Ready to transform your dental practice marketing? Start crafting your unique stories today and watch how they captivate and convert your audience. For more personalized tips and support, consider reaching out to ProspectaMarketing, where we specialize in helping dental practices thrive through innovative marketing strategies.

ProspectaMarketing is an experienced Internet marketing firm specializing in dental practices and the tools of Internet marketing. We help you reach key prospects who are looking for what your practice has to offer. Our unique and thorough approach provides visibility, financial accountability, and ongoing refinement and improvement. You can find out more by contacting Lane Anderson toll-free at 1-877-322-4440 Ext 101, by email using the form on our Contact Us page, or online at

The Importance of Original Pictures on Your Website

When creating a website, a lot of attention is given to making it look professional and attractive. In order to achieve this, many website owners opt for using stock photos on their website. While stock photos can be a good option for some websites, they don’t always present the best image for your brand. At ProspectaMarketing, we encourage our clients to use their own original pictures on their website. In this blog post, we will explain why it is important to use original photos and how it can make a positive impact on your brand.

1. Original photos show authenticity: By using original pictures, you can convey authenticity and show that you are a real business with real customers. Stock photos can often feel generic and staged, which can make it difficult for potential customers to connect with your brand. Authenticity is important because it helps to establish trust and credibility with your audience.

2. It sets you apart from the competition: Using original photos can help set you apart from your competitors. Stock photos are often used by many businesses, so by using your own pictures you can show your unique value proposition. It also shows that you are willing to invest in your brand and take the time to create something that is truly tailored to your business.

3. Better control over your brand image: When you use stock photos, you may not have complete control over how your brand is portrayed. However, with original photos, you can control the quality, tone, and message of your brand. You can take pictures that are specifically designed to fit your brand image and use them across all your marketing channels.

4. It can save you money over time: While using stock photos may seem like the cheaper option in the short term, it can actually cost you more in the long run. The cost of stock photos can add up, especially if you are using them across all your marketing channels. By investing in original photos upfront, you can save money in the long run and have a library of photos that are unique to your brand.

5. You own the photos: One of the biggest advantages of using original photos is that you own them. This means you can use them across all your marketing channels without worrying about licensing or copyright issues. You can also customize them and use them in any way you see fit.

In conclusion, using original pictures on your website is a smart investment in your brand. By using original photos, you can convey authenticity, set yourself apart from your competition, have better control over your brand image, save money over time, and own the photos. At ProspectaMarketing, we always recommend using original photos as part of your website design strategy. If you need help designing a website that incorporates original photos, we would be happy to help. Contact us today to learn more.

ProspectaMarketing is an experienced Internet marketing firm specializing in dental practices and the tools of Internet marketing. We help you reach key prospects who are looking for what your practice has to offer. Our unique and thorough approach provides visibility, financial accountability, and ongoing refinement and improvement. You can find out more by contacting Lane Anderson toll-free at 1-877-322-4440 Ext 101, by email using the form on our Contact Us page, or online at

Google Analytics: The Key To Improving Your Reach

ProspectaMarketing makes use of a host of top-of-the-line marketing tools to ensure that our dental practices reach as many potential patients as possible. One of our most crucial allies is Google Analytics, and we have mentioned it several times within our blog articles. But why is it so special? What makes it so unique in comparison to other SEO tools? Our team realizes these questions can often pop up, especially if you are a practice who is just starting out in the world of internet marketing.

In order to keep you educated and ensure your practice is taking advantage of its marketing potential, our team has put together an easy-to-understand explanation, in two parts. Firstly, we will explain what Google Analytics is. Secondly, we will provide you with four insights you can gain from one simple look at your Google Analytics page.

What Is Google Analytics?

In the simplest terms, Google Analytics is an online service that keeps track of your website traffic. However, leaving it at that would be a massive understatement. Google Analytics not only keeps track of your numbers, it also lets you filter them in a myriad ways, analyze different aspects of your site usage, and apply insights to your marketing strategy.

Covering everything from demographic statistics to potential patient behavior, Google Analytics is simply the easiest way to monitor your site’s health and standing. But, is there an easy way for a beginner to apply this information? Or do you need to take a class to simply be able to log on?

How Can Google Analytics Help?

There are certain insights you can make with almost no experience in Google Analytics, and familiarizing yourself with the service is not complicated at all. The average marketing team can make use of this tool easily. In order to help, we have compiled three quick observations you can make early in your Analytics journey and how you can apply them to improve your practice’s reach.

  • The “Audience” tab is extremely useful in determining statistics like active users, page views, and session durations. These numbers can help you ensure your online ads and local listings are working to draw traffic to your site, or whether you need to increase your outreach through a more aggressive marketing plan.
  • The “Behavior” tab lets you view several aspects of your potential patients’ engagement with your site. You can view Landing Pages and analyze which of your written topics are receiving the most traffic from outside sources – i.e. which pages patients are “landing” on. You can also view your Exit Pages, to see where people who enter your site wind up, and whether they exit before your marketing effort can convert that lead into a call or an appointment request. This can be helpful as you can analyze who you are attracting, what they are looking for, and why they are leaving.
  • The “Acquisitions” tab breaks down ad traffic, search engine health, and even social media statistics, when relevant. It can be helpful in gauging whether your SEO is working and whether the digital ecosystem outside your own website is responding well to your content.

We remind dental practices that this is simply a basic primer. If you want a more in-depth education on Google Analytics, or are looking for a marketing team that will keep track of your page landings, keywords, and visibility for you, ProspectaMarketing is ready to help! We are an experienced Internet marketing firm specializing in dental practices and the tools of Internet marketing. We help you reach key prospects who are looking for what your practice has to offer. Our unique and thorough approach provides visibility, financial accountability, and ongoing refinement and improvement. You can find out more by contacting Lane Anderson toll-free at 1-877-322-4440 Ext 101, by email using the form on our Contact Us page, or online at

3 Easy SEO Optimization Tips

ProspectaMarketing helps dental practices with online marketing and advertising efforts and we have been at it for years! This means we know a thing or two about SEO optimization. If you are a relatively new practice, however, or even if you’ve been around for a while but have never made the jump to online advertising, you might be wondering what it’s all about.

After all, we mention it a lot on this blog and it is a term many online entities use when explaining their digital practices. In order to alleviate any confusion, our team has put together a primer to explain what SEO is, followed by three, easy-to-follow optimization tips that don’t require the creation of new content.

What Is SEO And Why Should You Care?

Let’s start with some basics for any newcomers out there. SEO stands for Search Engine Optimization and it’s really a catch-all term. It includes any and all strategies applied to content that increase its likelihood of ranking higher on search engines like Google. SEO optimization is an importance practice for several key reasons, including but not limited to visibility, reach, and accessibility. Properly optimized web content has been vetted for relevant key words, has text that is unique enough to not be mistaken for another page, and displays to the intended target audience, whether that be location- or demographic-based.

  • Visibility: An optimized post ensures that readers who search your relevant keywords can find your service quickly and effectively.
  • Reach: An optimized post broadens your practice’s reach by displaying your content to new audiences that might be interested.
  • Accessibility: An optimized post is easy to navigate, generating more page landings and potential patients for you and your practice.

3 Easy-To-Follow Tips

One of the first solutions suggested for improving SEO is to create content. This is a great suggestion due to the relationship between fresh content and Google index bots. The more unique the content is, the more likely Google and other such search engines are to send out “crawler bots” to index your page. When they do, your content is added to a database of unique content, helping readers find it quickly and without any hassle.

However, sometimes it can be hard to come up with new content in a consistent fashion. If you represent a dental practice, you have other responsibilities; not the least of which is your mission to help your patients. With such a huge responsibility, it is understandable that creating new pages for your site would be a small priority. And while a blog helps in this regard, you still need the time and space to write the posts. For this reason, our team has come up with 3 easy to follow tips to help you optimize your existing content without needing to write new text:

  1. Keywords vs Keyphrases: Keywords are more than simple roadmaps to your content. They can also act as a billboard or a sign that loudly signals to your readers that your page is right for them. For this reason, think not just about what your potential reader might search, but how they might search for it. Then, rework existing content to reflect this. For example, “how are dental veneers placed” is a better keyphrase to work into your content than simply “dental veneers,” which is a single keyword and will most likely match with fewer search terms than its more robust alternative.
  2. Interesting Title Tags: An important statistic is the ratio of clicks on your link via Google. This is commonly known as the click-through rate, or CTR. And one of the main factors that affect the CTR is your title tag. After all, it is the first (and hopefully not the last) thing your potential reader sees. Make sure to use enticing and exciting title tags that will draw people’s attention. Avoid sensationalizing, but don’t be afraid to make a bold claim or ask an incisive question in your title tag. After all, once the potential patient has clicked on your page, you can further explain the statement with informational, clearly worded text.
  3. Listen To Google Analytics: We have talked at length about using Google Analytics on this blog, and for good reason. You can use the Page Landings section of this online tool to measure how many readers are drawn to your different website pages. This helps to gauge not only the good, but the bad. If you notice a post is stale and abandoned, it’s time to refresh it. Don’t be afraid to go back and change old content with new keyphrases, a new title, or even a new image. This way, you don’t have to create entirely new content. You can simply rephrase and rework old content to make it sound more relevant! This tactic will also give your original content a second chance at positive search engine placement.

At ProspectaMarketing, we can help you manage your website and SEO so you focus on what you love: being a trusted dentist in your community! We are an experienced Internet marketing firm specializing in dental practices and the tools of Internet marketing. We help you reach key prospects who are looking for what your practice has to offer. Our unique and thorough approach provides visibility, financial accountability, and ongoing refinement and improvement. You can find out more by contacting Lane Anderson toll-free at 1-877-322-4440 Ext 101, by email using the form on our Contact Us page, or online at

The Importance of Engaging Website Copy


ProspectaMarketing specializes in comprehensive digital marketing for dental practices all over the country. We help our clients with everything from creating and monitoring local listings, to managing user reviews. One of the most crucial factors we emphasize is effective, engaging website copy.

Without a website that makes users want to engage with your content, you can have all the search engine optimization and visibility you want; the truth is that patients will not stay on your site for long. If you’re using a tool like Google Analytics, you might see a high number of page landings, but your retention rate might be low. If this is the case, then the chances that you are turning leads into appointments is low as well.

The Vital Elements of Website Copy

There are three cornerstones to creating exciting, engaging website content: originality, accuracy, and diversity. Our marketing team has put together a primer that explains how each one works. Check it out below!


We all run into a common marketing roadblock: everything’s been written about! In the face of the nearly-infinite host of dental articles and websites out there, and the accessibility that search engines provide patients with, it can be easy to feel like there’s no way to write original content. But this is the wrong attitude! We encourage you to come up with new angles to reformat and redeliver similar content.

What makes your practice different? Do you have special technology that other practices in your area lack? Did your top dentist receive special training in a specific area? These are the factors to be looking for. Even something as simple as images of a local event your team attended can make your website stand out!

Customer feedback is another way to make your content original. By including unique statements from actual patients on your website, you can ensure that nobody has ever shared those specific phrases before. Just don’t forget to abide by HIPPA requirements, obtain permission from the patient, and, if necessary, label the feedback to match the treatment the patient signed up for.

Original content has never been more important, especially if you want search engines like Google to index your content. For more on indexing, check out our article on the importance of blogging!


This one might seem obvious, but user-friendliness is of upmost importance to this new generation of digital consumers. And nothing is less user-friendly than a website that is not accurate.

Plenty of practices can fall into the bad habit of setting up a website, and then just sort of leaving it to run by itself. However, this means that your marketing campaign can fall prey to image licenses that expire, broken links, and unusable redirect loops. Running weekly checks on the backend and front end of your website, and relying on tools like Google Analytics to gauge website activity is a priority for any business looking to market their brand effectively.

In general, we recommend a few things during this weekly check:

  1. Look for pages that describe outdated or inaccurate services and either update them, or remove them entirely.
  2. Test every link to make sure they lead to the correct pages and articles.
  3. Check images to make sure they have not been removed by a bug, an expired license, or a formatting issue.
  4. Access Google Analytics and check the tab for Page Landings and Site Speed to verify your clicks and the effectiveness of your website’s responses.


Though similar to originality, this factor actually encompasses how varied and diverse your content is. If you’re a specialized healthcare provider, it might be hard to delineate a variety of services. But that doesn’t mean you can’t have tons of pages!

Obviously, having pages that are filler is a no-no, but if you think about your practice’s competitive advantages, you can find new angles and areas to talk about. What about a page that details your unique, patient-centered philosophy? Or one that delineates the unique technology you offer? Even patient testimonials and before-and-after pictures can have their own page landings.

Why Is It Important?

A new type of consumer has made an appearance in the market. The internet-savvy, media-focused generations that are now looking for quality dental care will always prioritize ease-of-use. Factors like optimizing your website for mobile, creating a direct digital pathway to your original content, and responding to reviews are now absolutely vital to ensuring that your potential patients feel at home on your site. Check out our articles on these and many other topics!

If you treat your digital hub like a real hub, a hearth where old and new patients can trust the information they find and rest from a sea of confusing, inaccurate content, you will go a long way toward installing a solid foundation for your team in the community.

At ProspectaMarketing, we can help you write engaging website copy and attract new patients. We are an experienced Internet marketing firm specializing in dental practices and the tools of Internet marketing. We help you reach key prospects who are looking for what your practice has to offer. Our unique and thorough approach provides visibility, financial accountability, and ongoing refinement and improvement. You can find out more by contacting Lane Anderson toll-free at 1-877-322-4440 Ext 101, by email using the form on our Contact Us page, or online at

The Power of the Blog: Authority and Visibility

At ProspectaMarketing, we provide a host of invaluable services for our affiliated dental practices. From local listings to search engine optimization, we can help your team take advantage of a wide-ranging digital marketing campaign that can help you become a household name in your area. One of the unique ways in which we do this is through the use of specialized blog content.

Blogs might seem like a section of your marketing campaign that you could probably leave by the wayside. After all, they are read less and less each year. Patients often prioritize other, more informational, less subjective sections of your site over the content in the blog. So, in terms of leads – that is, the amount of avenues for patient acquisition that a certain piece of digital copy provides for the practice – blogs are not doing much of the heavy lifting.

However, our team strongly recommends keeping and updating a blog on your website. Though it might not be the most accessed section of your digital hub, and the blog might not provide direct clicks by interested patients, well-written, customized content can provide several major benefits to your practice that far exceed any costs. Our team has listed some of the benefits below.

  1. Site Accessibility: First and foremost, a blog provides a place for visitors to find certain subjects you might not have an entire page about, or else makes the site more accessible for people who are looking for information. Certain messages cannot be properly expressed through copy, and benefit greatly from customized communication avenues. Examples of content a blog can prioritize include yearly and monthly events, charity drives, upcoming changes to your services, reduced or altered hours, and patient feedback.
  2. SEO, Location, and Key Words: A blog service that is tailored to local SEO strategies can prioritize keywords, locations, and a proper digital pathway for visibility. While it’s true that the blog post as a whole might not be scanned for details, the pages within it provide more pages of content filled with those attractive key terms that search engines like to prioritize. The more pages like this on your site, the more likely you are to provide online visibility for your practice.
  3. Google Index: This leads neatly into our next point; the Google Index is a tool that any and all dental teams must take advantage of. The company itself describes the index as a solution for the internet’s “ever-growing library, with billions of books and no central filing system.” It works just like a real index in a book, providing a list of websites for Google to add to their search engine. The algorithm sends out “crawler bots” to scan your website for new, fresh, original content. If they find any, the bots will index those unique pages and store the information at Google, which then prioritizes them in search results. A blog is a perfect way to keep fresh content regularly appearing on the site. Unlike the rest of your pages, which must remain somewhat static so that patients can have a consistent perspective on your services, a blog can provide new content every week!
  4. Variety: Blogs can cover sections of your marketing effort that have not received as much attention or funding. If your practice specializes on implant dentistry, but has just received new technology for teeth whitening, you can use a blog to immediately begin adding content regarding your new service. The possibilities are endless, and regularly scheduled blog posts can enable you to add new elements to your existing campaign without needing to restructure and retool your core goals.

But the one of the most important ways in which keeping an up-to-date blog can help you is the opportunity to establish your website and practice’s authority.

Website Authority vs Website Visibility

There are two general types of blog posts you can include on your page.

Firstly, there’s what we like to call an “SEO Blog Post.” This is a customized blog post that deals with a regional service and primarily uses local SEO to concentrate key words and locations in one place on your site. Locations are often included in the title and text, so that our Local Listings department can keep track of their traction and visibility. This kind of post is primarily used as a tool for fostering search indexing, as mentioned previously. It can help your visibility.

The second kind of post is what we call a “Site Authority Blog Post.” This sort of post often forgoes local SEO in order to provide truly authentic material. They cover raw medical and dental knowledge and can be used to establish a sense of trustworthiness in your status as an industry leader. However, it can be difficult to provide original content on subjects that have already been studied for years. Considering there’s an ocean of websites out there, crawling with bots, this can also mean that reaching a non-local audience is too daunting to consider.

So, while this sort of post has the potential to be the most beneficial, you must make sure that the text is fresh, new, and somehow different from anything else on the web. Examples include: new technologies, research, the medical background of the dentist and their team, and any unique ethos, mission, or angle your practice uses to differentiate itself from others.

At ProspectaMarketing, we can help you establish website authority and visibility through original website copy and custom blog content. We are an experienced Internet marketing firm specializing in dental practices and the tools of Internet marketing. We help you reach key prospects who are looking for what your practice has to offer. Our unique and thorough approach provides visibility, financial accountability, and ongoing refinement and improvement. You can find out more by contacting Lane Anderson toll-free at 1-877-322-4440 Ext 101, by email using the form on our Contact Us page, or online at

Optimize For Mobile!

Smiling,Afro,American,Woman,Enjoying,Using,Smartphone,Application,Reading,PositiveIt seems like almost everything we do these days can be done on a smartphone. From ordering a pizza to scheduling a dental checkup, if you can do it online you can do it with your phone. Along with tablets, these mobile devices now outnumber personal computers more than two-to-one. For more and more people, they’ve become the primary way of getting on the Internet.

That means your dental website must be optimized for mobile. “Optimized for mobile” means your site is not only designed for the smaller devices people are using, but also that it performs they way they expect it to. Performance is critical: did you know most people will leave a website after a mere three seconds, if it fails to load?

That’s a really small window, so your site has to be ready for it.

Smart Phone Stats

Smartphones as we know them today have been around since 2007, when we got our first look at the iPhone. With high-definition touchscreens and there’s-an-app-for-that technology, they were instant gamechangers.

Just consider:

  • 97% of U.S. citizens own a smartphone; ownership cuts across most demographics.
  • 47% say they couldn’t live without their devices.
  • 15% of American adults are “smartphone only,” in terms of Internet use.
  • 80.63% of the population worldwide own a smartphone.

By 2025, the number of smartphones in the United States alone is expected to reach 311.5 million!

Mobile First

Google recognizes this increase in mobile use, of course. For the last few years they’ve been moving forward with a “mobile first” policy, which prioritizes the mobile version of a webpage in search results. The search engine giant gave us a reprieve toward the end of 2021 by announcing they are no longer setting a firm date for mobile first. The deadline has already been pushed back a couple of times, because so many sites weren’t ready yet.

But it’s only a matter of time. Google may have dropped its deadline, but mobile first is clearly the future. Your dental website must be ready! Need help? ProspectaMarketing is an experienced Internet marketing firm specializing in dental practices and the tools of Internet marketing. We help you reach key prospects who are looking for what your practice has to offer. Our unique and thorough approach provides visibility, financial accountability, and ongoing refinement and improvement. You can find out more by contacting Lane Anderson toll-free at 1-877-322-4440 Ext 101, by email using the form on our Contact Us page, or online at

Is It Time to Update Your Website?

Portrait,Of,Dentist,Standing,With,Arms,Crossed,In,ClinicIs it time to update your dental website? If it’s been a couple of years since the last time you did, the answer is probably yes.

Updating a website can take a lot of work, and it’s easy to put it off. But there are some very good reasons why you should make regular improvements. The best one may be that the vast majority of consumers – some ninety percent – use a search engine to find dentists and other local businesses. If your site is outdated it will affect how your practice is ranked in all-important search engine results.

Get New Patients

There’s a not-very-old saying: your website is your best salesperson. It’s the first point of contact for potential new patients, who use it to find the information they want to know: your services, your location, your office hours, and how to contact you.

It’s critical to keep all of the information on your website up-to-date so that it tells visitors what they want, and converts them into new patients. But there are other reasons for regular site updating:

  • Outdated technology. The way we access the Internet keeps changing. Google is now mobile-first: that is, the search engine giant uses the mobile version of site content to index and rank them. Voice activation isn’t far behind!
  • Increase site traffic. Your website gets traffic when users can find it. A site’s content is “optimized” to attract the search engines, a process called search engine optimization (SEO). Google alone regularly updates its search algorithms, so SEO needs regular updating, too.
  • Consistency. If one page on your site looks different from another, it not only looks strange: visitors may find it confusing. Yet it’s surprisingly common for design inconsistencies, like different menus, to crop up as websites grow and change. Redesigns can correct them.
  • Stay current! This may seem trivial, but it isn’t. The appearance of websites across the board follow styles and trends, like anything else. Your site visitors will notice. You’re much better off looking modern.

Waiting too long to update your dental website can impact your practice’s bottom line. ProspectaMarketing is an Internet marketing firm specializing in dental practices and the tools of Internet marketing. We help you reach key prospects who are looking for what your practice has to offer. Our unique and thorough approach provides visibility, financial accountability, and ongoing refinement and improvement. You can find out more by contacting Lane Anderson toll-free at 1-877-322-4440 Ext 101, by email using the form on our Contact Us page, or online at

Are Dental Websites Obsolete?

From time to time you may hear that small business websites are going the way of the dinosaur. Don’t you believe it! For commercial enterprises like dental practices, a website is essential.

593429825_edit_01The argument against websites is that in the age of social media they are not as effective in generating new business. Advertising on platforms like Facebook is more effective.

Make no mistake: social media has its place. It is an important tool that can deliver great results. But it has its limitations, and one of main reasons you still need your dental practice website is that you own it and its content.

No Restrictions

Social media should be considered an adjunct to your own site. You can put a lot of information about your practice there, but the best place for essential information is the site you own lock, stock, and barrel.

Because the site is yours, and only yours, you are able to control its content without restriction. You can update it at a moment’s notice. Not so with social media. You may spend a lot of money on Facebook advertising – to stick with that example – only to have them change the rules and ban the ads. The decision is not yours and you are powerless to do anything about it.

It takes time and planning to build and establish an effective website, but it pays off. ProspectaMarketing is an experienced Internet marketing firm specializing in dental practices and the tools of Internet marketing. We help you reach key prospects who are looking for what your practice has to offer. Our unique and thorough approach provides visibility, financial accountability, and ongoing refinement and improvement. You can find out more by contacting Lane Anderson toll-free at 1-877-322-4440 Ext 101, by email using the form on our Contact Us page, or online at

What Makes A Great Dental Website?

Most visitors to commercial websites decide within fifteen seconds whether they are going to engage: whether they will buy a product or use a service. This is as true for dental practice websites as it is for any other.

643274893Fifteen seconds isn’t much time, and begs the question: what makes a great dental website?

The overall goal of your site, of course, is to convert visitors into patients. There are key components your site must have:

  • Make it an expression of your practice. Show visitors that your practice is unlike any other in town. Your site should have a unique logo, original images, be easy to navigate, and tell visitors what they want to know.
  • SEO-friendly. Search Engine Optimization may sound a little dull, but it’s how you get your site to rank on search engines like Google. Using the right words – keywords – is critical to reach new patients.
  • Knows your audience. Are you a family practice? An orthodontist? The site should reflect this in its appearance.
  • Secure. It seems like almost every day we hear about websites being hacked. By one count it’s thirty thousand hacks every single day. Your site has sensitive information, and you must be sure it’s protected.


There are other elements that are must-haves for any good dental website. These include:

  • Easy navigation. Your site visitors must be able to find what they’re looking for. Good organization and an easy-to-find, easy-to-understand menu makes that possible, and makes for a more positive experience.
  • Photos and video. The images on your site should really resonate. Avoid stock photos; original pictures and videos show visitors what you do, as well as what you, your staff, and your office look like.
  • Calls To Action. Each page on your site should have an objective: getting visitors to schedule an appointment or give you a call. Incentives like a free cleaning for new patients encourage them.
  • Online scheduling and payment. Nowadays, we all expect a full online experience, including the ability to book appointments and pay bills. It’s convenient for patients and can even make your practice more efficient.
  • Testimonials. Never underestimate the power of the testimonial! The approval of satisified patients the new word-of-mouth: through online reviews shared to your site, or even videos.
  • Blog. A blog is a useful tool for showing off your practice. Blogs that are regularly updated attract the search engines, too: Google loves fresh content.

If your site is missing these elements, it may be time for an upgrade. Expert help can make your website shine! ProspectaMarketing is an experienced Internet marketing firm specializing in dental practices and the tools of Internet marketing. We help you reach key prospects who are looking for what your practice has to offer. Our unique and thorough approach provides visibility, financial accountability, and ongoing refinement and improvement. You can find out more by contacting Lane Anderson toll-free at 1-877-322-4440 Ext 101, by email using the form on our Contact Us page, or online at

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