What Google’s Latest Changes Mean For PPC Customers

If you’ve done an online search using Google in the last month, you might have noticed the right-hand side of the page looks pretty empty. Google’s latest update significantly changed how ads are displayed on the search results page. Rather than a row of ads along the right-hand side, Google now displays three or four ads at the top of the search results and a couple at the bottom of the page. This may make navigating Google a bit easier on mobile devices, but this update means big changes for advertisers. PPC Customers Experience Changes With Google Update

Mark John Hiemstra wrote an in depth analysis on the Acquisio blog about how this update impacts customers who pay for Google ads. Data was taken from roughly 90,000 campaigns running on the Acquisio platform from four weeks before the change to two weeks after the change (spanning January 21, 2016-March 3, 2016). The findings are as follows:

  • Cost Per Click (CPC) for ads in the top 4 has increased by up to 10.5%
  • Click Through Rate (CTR) for ads in the top 4 has increased by up to 4.5%
  • Links below the top 4 are seeing significantly less clicks and impressions
  • CPC has also increased for spots below the top 4

Since there are no more side ads ‘above the fold’ on the results page anymore, much more weight is being placed on the top 4 ads. They are receiving much more attention, but the cost to show up there has also noticeably increased. Conversely, spots below the top 4 are getting less views but the cost to appear there has still increased. As a result of these findings, managing budget for your various ad campaigns will be even more crucial to ensure your practice gets the best visibility in the search results. Trust our marketing managers at ProspectaMarketing to help you navigate this new change and please contact us with any questions.

The Importance Of Mobile Responsive Sites

We’ve all seen the websites. The ones you open on your phone and need to scroll over to finish reading a block of text. Or you need to zoom in to see small details. Or where some pictures just won’t work. Is your website mobile responsive?

Google made a change in their mobile ranking algorithm in April 2015 that penalizes websites that are not mobile responsive. Google also reported in October of 2015 that mobile search has now surpassed desktop search worldwide. In dental seMake Your Site Mobile Friendlyarches that are not quite as extensive as the overall average, that total is still growing rapidly and is often in the 35 – 45% range of the total traffic. By ensuring that your website is mobile responsive, it makes a world of difference for mobile users who want to find information on your site. Larger, easier to navigate text and easy to find contact information on your website can make the difference in a prospective patient selecting your practice rather than one down the street.

Whatever condition your practice’s website is in, get in touch with us and learn what we can do to help you grow your business. In addition to making your website’s SEO rich and mobile friendly, we have a host of tools available to track, report and maximize your data to help you have the best returns. Don’t let your website go the way of the dinosaurs. Talk to us today.

Site Speed a Factor in SEO at Google

Google has announced that the speed with which the website loads has now officially become a factor in their rankings.  This is not a great surprise, nor is it likely to be a major factor right now for most websites.  They have been talking about it for some time.  However, it is now official.  Good to ensure that your website is loading quickly and allowing visitors to move around easily.  It has always been a good idea to make your website a good experience by ensuring that the site loads quickly.  Now it is even more important.

For more information, here is some insight from Matt Cutts at Google.  If you feel you might need a site tune-up, please contact us.

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