Tailoring Marketing To Your Needs

Marketing is the backbone of a successful business. Every company today needs to have a solid marketing strategy in place to survive in the highly competitive business world. At ProspectaMarketing, we understand that not every business is the same. Each business has unique needs, and therefore each business requires a Read more…

Still A Force: Your Dental Blog

Commercial websites, like those for dental practices, have used blogs as a marketing tool for years: raising their profiles and getting online visibility. But some trend-watchers say the days of the blog are numbered, as people’s love of social media keeps growing. Nothing could be further from the truth. First, Read more…

Video Content And Your Website

News flash: no one uses the Yellow Pages anymore. All right, so that isn’t exactly news. Those heavy old phone company listings have long since gone the way of the dinosaur. To find information about virtually anything, including local dental practices, everyone turns to search engines like Google. And that Read more…