If you don’t know the following fact, you should: the rate of Internet searches on mobile devices is absolutely exploding, and shows so signs of slowing down. It has grown by more than two-hundred percent in the last seven years!
That includes local searches for dental practices, and ignoring this trend is to overlook potential new patients. It’s more than just searches, too: the growth of smartphones and tablets to access the Internet includes using them on social media and ecommerce platforms. At the beginning of 2020 the mobile share was in the area of sixty percent. This is expected to get as high at eighty percent in the near future.
Make It Mobile
What does this mean for marketing your dental practice?
- Your website must mobile-friendly. With so many potential new patients using mobile devices, it’s essential that your practice website is optimized for smartphones and tablets.
- Mobile ads. Advertising that runs well on desktop devices may not work on mobile devices. Mobile ads are highly effective, so be sure you take full advantage.
- Stay up-to-date with mobile marketing trends. Mobile devices lend themselves to effective marketing campaigns that help you bring in new patients and keep existing ones.
People love their mobile devices, and we can safely predict that won’t change anytime soon. Ensuring your dental practice website is mobile-ready will improve the user experience and bring new patients to your office. Help is available! ProspectaMarketing is an experienced Internet marketing firm specializing in dental practices and the tools of Internet marketing. We help you reach key prospects who are looking for what your practice has to offer. Our unique and thorough approach provides visibility, financial accountability, and ongoing refinement and improvement. You can find out more by contacting Lane Anderson toll-free at 1-877-322-4440 Ext 101, by email using the form on our Contact Us page, or online at ProspectaMarketing.com.